New releases

Frontera. Mixtolobo

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Frontera. Mixtolobo Ref.: 50046BJ205
  • Price: 11.98  €  (Without taxes)

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1 Tomi mío

  • 2 Al compás de la válvula rota
  • 3 Dieguito
  • 4 El perdigal
  • 5 Malika
  • 6 El guaro
  • 7 Perla negra
  • 8 A buscarme vienen
  • 9 Steve

A Flamenco guitar, an electric guitar, some percussions and an electric bass. The result is the group Mixtolobo. Two of them, Juan Diego Mateos and Jorge Gómez, present the first record result of this music symbiosis: the title is frontera. Rock’n’roll and flamenco are joined in Frontera, a fusion that is hopping mad. This fabulous disc is produced by Los Delinquentes.

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