
Grandes Cantaores del Flamenco - Paco Toronjo

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Grandes Cantaores del Flamenco - Paco Toronjo Ref.: 50112UN130
  • Price: 8.93  €  (Without taxes)

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Disco 1

  • 1. Huelva como capital
  • 2. Entre rosales metia
  • 3. Cuando vas de cacería
  • 4. Tengo que poner un letrero
  • 5. Que yo no te hago na
  • 6. Santa Eulalia
  • 7. El verano llegara
  • 8. No se que tiene pa mi
  • 9. Camina la confianza
  • 10. De mi mismo me reia
  • 11. Esperando me quede
  • 11. Esperando me quede
  • 11. Esperando me quede
  • 12. Lo que debes ignorar
  • 13. Que a mi me gusta beber
  • 14. Corre tu, caballo mio
  • 15. Rosa, que bonita eres
  • 16. Te vi, no quise mirarte
  • 17. Cuando miro la bahia
  • 18. Aquel que tiene dienro
  • 19. Que arrepentio estoy

Paco Toronjo is an unique fandangos cantaor; he is nobility turned fandango.
He was a pioneer of the Sevillian song as it is known today, along with his brother Pepe towards the end of the 50's decade. The Toronjo brothers jump-started the boom that the Sevillian song has today and were followed by the Ryes brothers, Reyes, the Pali, Romeros de la Puebla, Marismeños and many others.
They sang some peculiar Sevillians, the biblical or alosneras seguidillas which had lyrics based on the old testament.
He was always humble, wise and amiable.

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