New flamenco

Cañailla - Niña Pastori

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Cañailla - Niña Pastori Ref.: 50511BMG133
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  • 1. Los hilos del alba (Bulerias)
  • 2. Cai
  • 3. La costurera
  • 4. Manolillo el canastero (Tangos)
  • 5. La Aurora
  • 6. Tangos de la tia Juana
  • 7. Raro
  • 8. Yo vivo navegando (Rumba)
  • 9. Sobre la arena (Alegrias)

On her third album 'Cañaílla' (which means 'from the San Fernando Island', in Cádiz), Niña explores her flamenco roots without straying too far from the pop style that has allowed her to appeal more easily to younger audiences. The promotional single 'Cai', which is 'Cádiz' but pronounced in Andalucia jergon, was written by Alejandro Sánz, and refers to Niña's Andalucian origins. Along the nine tracks of 'Cañaílla', Niña Pastori visits some of the most festive flamenco palos, like bulerías, alegrías y tangos.

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