Paco de Lucia

Solo quiero caminar - Paco de Lucia

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Solo quiero caminar - Paco de Lucia Ref.: 50112UN55
  • Price: 12.52  €  (Without taxes)

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Disco 1

  • 1. Solo quiero caminar (Tangos)
  • 2. La tumbona (Bulerías)
  • 3. Convite (Rumba)
  • 4. Montiño (Fandango de Huelva)
  • 5. Chanela (Rumba)
  • 6. Monasterio de sal (Colombianas)
  • 7. Piñonate (Bulerías)
  • 8. Palenque (Rumba)

This album in dedication to Manuel de Falla opens a new period. It was during its recording when Paco came together with the band Dolores and set his radical change, which as materialized by Sólo quiero caminar. In this album album, Paco creates a musical universe without losing his flamenco roots.

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